MEDSAC manual

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The MEDSAC manual for the Medical Management of Sexual Assault is an up-to-date online resource for health professionals who provide care for those affected by sexual assault and abuse. It is available to all members of MEDSAC.

The MEDSAC manual brings together current local and international thinking in sexual assault medicine and supplements MEDSAC training courses.

The manual:

  • is available as an online resource only; accessed through our member portal. This allows MEDSAC to regularly update sections in response to new knowledge.
  • users can browse, download and print individual chapters, as they wish.

Membership types & benefits

MEDSAC publications

MEDSAC publications

We regularly produce two key online publications for our members (all categories of membership).

  • MEDSAC News: to inform members about news and important issues relating to care of people affected by sexual abuse
  • Adult & Paediatric Journal Club: to keep members informed about relevant research and international best practice in sexual assault forensic medicine as applied to the New Zealand setting

Become a MEDSAC member

Family violence resources

Family Violence resources

We curate publicly available resources focused on family violence including articles, videos, interviews and presentations.

These are freely available to all MEDSAC website visitors.

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